Our White Wines

Our Chardonnay presents great softness, floral scents, and a hint of fresh bread crust. This wine is a great representation of the quality of our terrain and vineyards.

Sant'Elena - italian wines


Typology: D.O.P.

Area of production: Friuli Isonzo

Terrain: Stony alluvial soil, poor in organic matter

Varieties: Chardonnay 100%

Production: 1 bottle per plant

Harvest: By hand

Notes: BIO

Vinification: After the harvest, the grapes are soft-crushed and the must-wine is transferred to stainless steel vats at 8°C/47°F and allowed to settle.
Following a maceration period, fermentation is started with inoculated yeasts and the wine is left on the lees for as long as possible. In the late spring following the harvest, the lees are removed and the wine is bottled.

Description: Our Chardonnay presents great softness, floral scents, and a hint of fresh bread crust. This wine is a great representation of the quality of our terrain and vineyards.

Temperature & recommandation: Sapid and elegant, this chardonnay should be served in a broad-rimmed white wine glassat approximately 12°C/ 53°F. Excellent accompaniment with all fish-based dishes.

Sant'Elena italian winery - Chardonnay white wine