Our Vineyards

Respect for the territory, the land and nature is one of our founding principles: good land = good vineyards = excellent wine

Sant'Elena - italian wines - Merlot Ròs di Rôl

Vineyard planting: When planting a vineyard, the choice of clones and rootstocks is diversified for each variety. For example, in the four plots of Merlot, we have four different clones with very variable final characteristics and field behavior. We have Merlot that create a low leaf wall and a small amount of grapes but with anthocyanin and polyphenol values above normal, and more productive clones with large leaf walls where the sugar content is higher. At the time of harvest, at slightly different times, an assembly is made depending on the wine to which it will be destined, Ròs di Rôl or Merlot.

Pignolo variety: There is also a marked difference in the Pignolo variety. Vineyards over twenty years old have the old clone, which is historically affected by a virus, which makes it unproductive and sterile in alternate years, but which once vinified refers to the Pignolo (Quantum) historically cultivated in our region. Note, in 2006 when we started bottling it, the variety had not yet been created in the Friuli Isonzo DOC, hence the fantasy name QUANTUM. In the younger vineyard, about 15 years old, a clone of Pignolo was planted in which research has succeeded in eliminating this virus, making it slightly more productive and stable in terms of quantities over time; from this vineyard, in which a thinning of the bunches is carried out at the beginning of July, the Pignolo is obtained that we started vinifying in 2016.

Pinot grigio variety: We also have 5 clones in 9 hectares of vineyards for Pinot Grigio. For Sauvignon, part of the vineyards has been planted with a clone of low quantitative yield, but which, if harvested in slight sub-maturation, provides perfumes that are unattainable with the other clones; the mix of the various vineyards gives rise to our Sauvignon.

Respect for the territory, the land and nature is one of our founding principles. The soils are mowed, we plant essences (cover crops) and limit the mowing of the grass in post-flowering periods, to help pollinating insects.

Soil management is reduced to a minimum, with only the use of natural fertilizers, no herbicides and non-polluting methods for controlling harmful insects to the vine, like moth.

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